Emphasize your key points so your audience hears, remembers and acts on them.
Public Speaker: Start on Time and End on Time
Perhaps the most ridicules and annoying question a presenter can say is “How are we doing for time?”
How to Keep the Presentation Skills of Your Team Sharp
You want your team ready to present well.
This can be a challenge especially if they’re not presenting frequently. Yet when a presentation opportunity arises, it’s important to deliver an effective presentation.
Five Phrases to Avoid when Speaking
Here are five phrases that are counterproductive to your message because they can confuse or distance your listeners. People might not consciously notice these flaws, but these phrases can trigger unconscious dissonance in your message.
How Not to Start Your Speech: 10 Presentations Mistakes You Can Avoid
The beginning of your speech is the first impression for your audience. You want to convey a positive message because that determines how they initially judge you and your message. It might even determine if they will listen.
Don’t start your presentation with these mistakes.
How to Shorten Your Presentation – or simply say less
What can you do when faced with short and changing time frames to present your message?
How to Deliver a Successful Presentation
A successful presentation is about moving people in the direction you want. What must you do to achieve this during your presentation?
Presentation Tips from Executive Speech Coach – Videos
Presentation tips from George Torok, The Speech Coach for Executives.
Enjoy these tips, presented in the following 6 videos, to improve your presentation skills. Five of these videos are under 90 seconds. Add your comments and questions below.