How to clarify your intended message from your UNintended message?
Why might people not understand you?
How might your unintended message conflict with your intended message?
In summary, George Torok provides valuable insights and tips for effective communication, emphasizing the importance of clarifying the message, considering the audience's filters, and being mindful of unintended messages.
Introduction [00:00:00]
George Torok introduces the podcast and discusses the challenges of effectively communicating one's intended message.
Intended Message vs. Unintended Messages [00:01:23]
George Torok explains the difference between intended and unintended messages and the challenges of communicating the intended message effectively.
Reasons Why Intended Message Might Not Get Across [00:02:33]
George Torok discusses four possible reasons why the intended message might not get across: failure to clarify the message, audience not listening, audience not understanding, and audience not believing.
Challenges of Sending Intended Message [00:05:32]
George Torok explains the challenge of sending the intended message, which starts as a mess in one's head and needs to be converted into words that the audience can understand.
Filters That Impact Message Reception [00:06:22]
George Torok discusses the various filters that impact how a message is received, including beliefs, experience, emotional state, setting, perspective, and recent events.
Filters [00:10:38]
Discussion of the various filters that can impact how a message is received, including beliefs, experience, emotional state, setting, perspective, and recent events.
Unintended Messages [00:11:40]
Explanation of unintended messages and how they can harm or sabotage the intended message, including factors such as vocabulary, grammar, body language, voice, method of delivery, emphasis, missing information, level of engagement, and distractions.
Tips for Effective Communication [00:18:54]
Encouragement to sign up for weekly presentation tips and to listen to the podcast for practical insights on delivering intended messages successfully.