
Mastering the Art of Leadership: Executive Communication Coaching Uncovered

George TorokCommunication skills, Executive presence, Executive speaking, Leadership communication

Why Exceptional Communication Skills Matter for Leaders In the competitive landscape of the business world, exceptional communication is essential for executives to drive their teams and organizations forward. A leader’s …

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Speak the truth to the CEO

Who Will Tell the CEO that the Presentation was Lousy?

George TorokLeadership communication, Public Speaking

Everyone makes mistakes when speaking. The problem arrives when the CEO or business leader makes consistent and persistent mistakes while speaking.

How might you as CEO or team leader make less speaking mistakes? Learn from the mistakes of others. Review this compilation of CEO and leadership presentation mistakes that you can avoid.  Study this post and learn from the mistakes of others so you don’t repeat them. Does that make sense?

One of the problems is that no one will tell the CEO about their lousy presentation skills. If you are the team leader or CEO and want honest feedback to improve your presentation skills, contact me for honest and constructive feedback.

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public speaking for executives

Public Speaking for Executives

George TorokCommunication skills, Executive speaking, Leadership communication, Public Speaking

Think about the skills that a successful executive must develop.  One of the critical skills is public speaking. Are you clear on what that encompasses and why it’s important?
As a rising executive or executive-hopeful you must communicate effectively with your peers, your superiors and colleagues across the industry. Don’t keep your genius a secret only your boss knows because you will need the support of the peers of your boss to be promoted.

Connect with industry colleagues. Imagine the influence on your boss and bosses’ peers when they hear positive comments about you from the industry.

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Chief Executive speaking

Chief Executive Speaking

George TorokCommunication skills, Executive speaking, Leadership communication, Public Speaking

Your chief executive officer, CEO, could be the most powerful spokesperson for your organization. The market wants to hear from the leader. Customers and clients want to know the CEO. The media are often eager to interview and quote an effective leader. Is your organization getting the best return on the speaking skills of your leader?

Let’s review the results of a few effective speakers and a couple who were not.

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Tell your amazing story

How to Tell Your Stories

George TorokCommunication skills, Insights, Presentation Tips, Public Speaking, Story telling

The best speakers tell stories. Your audience forgets most of what you said in your presentation. They forget your name. If they remember anything, it’s your best stories. You know it was an effective story when they repeat it to others. They might not repeat it word for word – but they convey the essence of your message. That makes your presentation story a success.

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Tell your presentation story

Presentation Secret: Tell Your Story

George TorokCommunication skills, Insights, Presentation Tips, Story telling

When you tell stories in your presentations you will sell more, persuade more effectively and enjoy greater results from your presentations. You’ll also feel better about speaking because story telling is more comforting than giving a speech.

Most of us would rather tell stories than give a speech. Ask someone to choose between telling a story or giving a speech guess what they will pick. While public speaking gets high rating as a fear, storytelling does not.

Include stories in your presentation because it helps you deliver your message. Follow this simple formula to make stories work for you.

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Effective executive speaking training program

Effective Executive Speaking

George TorokCommunication skills, George Torok, Insights

Effective Executive Speaking at the Canadian Management Centre in Toronto with George Torok and John Robert Colombo. Presentation training for executives in Toronto. George and John delivered this program for 12 years while working with hundreds of executives and senior leaders to enhance their executive speaking skills.

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