Under the Influence – Book Review
Under the Influence – book review
The purpose of effective communication is to influence others.
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In his book, “Under the Influence”, Peter Legge, explores the powers of influence. In particular, he illustrates the influences others have had on his life. Then he points out the responsibility that we have on how we influence others.
In chapter 22 Peter Legge describes “Ten Traits that Define People of Influence – and How you Can Increase your Influence Right Now”.
Influential people believe that one person can change the world. They also have these 10 traits.
- They think for themselves.
- They are proactive.
- They are graciously disruptive.
- They walk the talk.
- They know how to listen.
- They know how to keep their cool.
- They adapt to the changing wold around them.
- They put others are ease.
- They focus on what really matters.
- They leverage their networks.
From the book, Under the Influence by Peter Legge…
How to Become more Influential
Influence has a lot to do with emotional intelligence, which is essentially having the awareness that emotions can drive our behaviour, which in turn has an impact on the people around us, whether it is positive or negative.
Our level of emotional intelligence determines the degree to which we are able to manage our own behaviour, navigate socially complex situations and make personal decisions that result in positive results for ourselves and others.
My Comments
This book is packed with more than one lifetime of wisdom.
Peter illustrates that we are Under the Influence of the people we associate with, our perceptions of our environment and our response to the signals we receive. This book provides intimate insights into his own discoveries through triumphs, mistakes and resulting lessons.
Perhaps the most important lessons are that while we are influenced by others, we are responsible for how we interpret these messages. The second part of this message is that we must become aware of how we influence others because we are all Under the Influence.
George Torok – the Speech Coach for Executives
Watch videos of Peter Legge
Thinking – Is it a lost art. Peter Legge speaking at TEDx Stanley Park
Peter Legge Speaking to Toastmasters
Click here to Order the book, Under the Influence by Peter Legge
Under the Influence by Peter Legge
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