Project More Confidence
Feel more confident and you’ll appear more authentic. Radiate confidence and people will listen more attentively. Control the memory lapses that disrupt your thoughts. Manage the ebbs and spikes of confidence levels.

Grab & Hold Attention
Discover how to effectively grab attention, connect with the audience and engage them throughout the presentation. Attention spans are short, and you need to fight the distractions. Become an attention magnet.

Persuade and Move to Action
You speak to persuade. Learn how to consistently deliver a presentation that moves people to act. Get the desired results from your presentation. Land the important contract, inspire your team, enhance your opportunities.

Be Clearly Understood
Sending a message isn’t enough. You can’t put a coded note in a bottle and hope it gets through. Your message must be received, clearly understood and relevant. Send the message on multiple channels and connect with the audience.

Be Effective and Memorable
Deliver your key points to ensure they are remembered, repeated and resonating with the audience. Develop the techniques to reinforce your key points. Make your message meaningful, timely and purposeful.

Handle Questions with Authority
Master the three best ways to use questions to your advantage. Adjust the timing, structure and flow of the question period to be more productive. Learn how to handle interruptions, hecklers and difficult questions.

Present well with Multimedia
Be aware of and avoid the painful mistakes that many presenters commit when using slides. Design and test slides to complement your message. Integrate your slides and video as visual enhancements to your message.

Be Better Prepared
The greatest presentation sin is not preparing enough. Learn a simple process to prepare your presentation faster. Develop habits to rehearse more effectively and efficiently. Follow a system to review and prepare for the unexpected.