ego out of control

If you want to be a guest on a podcast, DON’T DO THIS!

George TorokIntended Message

f you want to be a guest on my show, reach out, I will review your message and profile.

And I will reply with a yes or no. If it’s no, I’ll tell you why, because I believe you might appreciate the honest response and might learn from the perspective.

Apparently some people don’t appreciate an honest response. You know what’s coming next. One who did not appreciate a response or honesty.

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Death by PowerPoint and how to avoid that

Death by PowerPoint: the Pain, the Monsters and the Horror

George TorokInsights, Powerpoint, Presentation Tips

PowerPoint Monsters and Disasters You Can Avoid …if you Want
You know that a PowerPoint presentation can be a painful experience for the presenter and especially the audience. Let’s have some fun and throw some humor into the mix to laugh at the terrible PowerPoint presentations and then we can fix it. Let’s become aware of the problem and then work to use slide more effectively.

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Become a confident communicator and speaker

My Journey to Become a Confident Communicator and Powerful Presenter

George TorokCommunication skills, George Torok, Insights

I was a shy and introverted student who learned to become more confident and more effective as a communicator and speaker. I’m still an introvert. That means that I can participate in public engagement and then I need alone time to recharge. You can be an introvert and still be a confident speaker.

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communication skills with aliens

Communication lessons from Star Trek TNG

George TorokCommunication skills, Leadership communication, Story telling

The fiction is only one part of the story. The  setting is a spaceship, yet the individual episodes are often about relationships and communication challenges.

What might we learn about communication while humans attempt to communicate and forge relationships with alien species about the cosmos?

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