Meet George
Executive Speech Coach, Best Selling Author, Award-winning Radio Show Host
Shy & Introverted Student
George Torok was a shy and introverted student who learned how to speak up and become a powerful public speaker. He wasn’t a natural. That means that he appreciates how you might feel about your presentation challenges.
Why does he help others?
George Torok is on a mission to help business leaders communicate more effectively because he’s experienced the frustration of poor communication and the joy of successful communication. And he believes the world will be a better place if we could communicate more effectively.
Proven Track Record
George has been speaking, training and coaching for over 25 years. A best-selling author, he's written over 500 articles and six ebooks. He's contributed to 12 other books.
Radio Show Host
As host of the weekly radio show, Business In Motion, for 19 years, George interviewed over 600 community and business leaders. He learned how to encourage engaging conversation.
That means he knows how to ask good questions and listen.
Podcast Host
George hosts the podcast, Your Intended Message, the podcast about how we communicate and how to do it better. Listen to the conversations with communication experts as we decode our messaging.
George helps you shape the whole message. Your delivered message is a blend of intended and unintended messages. The result is a combination of your words, voice, body language, props, slides, setting, timing and more...
And George has. what some call a charming sense of humor. Some call him silly. He's okay with that because he's entertaining and he has fun.
World Class
George was a guest speaker at the Toastmasters International Conference - twice. He's spoken at three of the national conferences of the Global Speakers Federation - Canada, USA and UK, His bestselling book, Secrets of Power Marketing, was published in seven countries. The podcast has an international audience and featured guests from 14 countries. His travels have taken him to 30 countries on five continents.