If you want to be a guest on a podcast, DON’T DO THIS!

George TorokIntended Message


I host the podcast, Your Intended Message. It’s about communication skills. It’s a weekly show which means that I need a constant steam of guests. Fortunately, there are many sources of leads for guests. That means I don’t need to be desperate in who I accept as a guest.


Clearly, the guest is the star of the show. That’s the nature of an expert interview. Some prospective guests don’t seem to appreciate the value of the effort, investment and work from the host.

It takes a lot of time and effort to produce a successful weekly podcast. I know because I hosted a weekly FM radio interview show for 19 years. All I needed to do was arrange guests and interview them in the studio.

If you want to be a guest on my show, reach out, I will review your message and profile.

And I will reply with a yes or no. If it’s no, I’ll tell you why, because I believe you might appreciate the honest response and might learn from the perspective.

Apparently some people don’t appreciate an honest response. You know what’s coming next. One who did not appreciate a response or honesty.

Study this exchange of messages with a person who wanted to be a guest on my podcast and notice the escalation of emotion and attack. This is the first message I received.

Podservice thinks we are a good fit!
Do you agree?

I love the concept of your show! It’s absolutely brilliant!

I’d love to come on the show!

I am a top thought leader in the areas of entrepreneurship, messaging, branding and sales.  I have been called the Napoleon Hill of the 21st century, because I have interviewed 300+ of the world’s top thought leaders, like Jack Canfield, John Maxwell, and Marie Forleo.

I have made over 1000 media appearances, and I understand the value of media and guesting.

I have also written and published 8 books, several of the #1 International Best-sellers, and read over 4000.  I have a business that has generated 6 figures month in business. I have helped 70+ entrepreneurs add 6-8 figures a year to their income. I have a thriving business approaching 7 figures in sales. I have shared the stage with some of the world’s top success authors and speakers, and have many amazing lessons to share from my time with them.

I am a dynamite podcast guest, and have 25 5-star ratings from other Podservice hosts. I will do you proud!

I’d love to come and share my insights on messaging, branding, thought leadership, and success with your audience.

Would you like to have me on your show?


I changed the name to Podservice because I respect the real service.

What did Nicky do wrong?

His reason for connecting was that the algorithm matched us. The algo doesn’t “think” and apparently neither did he.

He didn’t state why we should connect yet, he asked if I agree. With what?

He claims that he loves the concept of my show and would love to come on. Why? He has not named my show or me. He did not reference any aspect, guest or lesson from my podcast. So naturally, I wonder, was this simply a broadcast  generic message?

What do you think?

Nothing personal or specific yet.

As you can imagine, when the answer is no, most people don’t respond.

I usually respond because I hope my answer might help them pitch better. I tell them no and why. And what they might do better. This was my reply

Nicky, Apparently, you don’t know my name or the name of my show.

And 7 of your paragraphs started with the word “I” so I know what you are about.

No thank you

What’s my name?

I simply pointed out the facts. He did not use my name or the name of my podcast. That suggests that his message was simply a generic broadcast.

Then I  reminded him of the structure of his message leading with the word “I”.

How did he respond? Did he thank me for my response or accept my observation?

Wow sir.  You know nothing about me.  I wear my heart on my sleeve and I care about people very deeply. I’ll thank you not to insult me or my character.
Messages to guest on a show need to highlight the guest’s best attributes.  I would think that’s obvious to anyone with a modicum of understanding of how to get on a show.

I withdraw my request to be on your show.

He followed with another quick message after a little more research on his part.

The name of your show is YOUR INTENDED MESSAGE. You did not put your name anywhere on your show profile page.  If I don’t see it there, I typically don’t use a name in my messages.   I went on your PodBean page. Your name wasn’t there either.
If you want people to use your name, make it easy for them to find it.

And stop being rude and disrespectful.

My response was…

We agree, you are not a good match for my show. I gave you an honest answer. You’re welcome.

Notice his ego and reaction to attack me when I pointed out the missing information in his request.

My name appears on every episode at the bottom of the page because it’s not about me. He might have noticed how I promote the guest first. He would need to scroll down the page. With all the famous people he interviewed, it seems he did not develop humility.

He sounds like an angry and entitled person.

The irony is that this was a classic case of not being clear of the difference between the intended message and received message.