ego out of control

If you want to be a guest on a podcast, DON’T DO THIS!

George TorokIntended Message

f you want to be a guest on my show, reach out, I will review your message and profile.

And I will reply with a yes or no. If it’s no, I’ll tell you why, because I believe you might appreciate the honest response and might learn from the perspective.

Apparently some people don’t appreciate an honest response. You know what’s coming next. One who did not appreciate a response or honesty.

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Intended message vs unintended message

What is the Divide between Your Intended Message and Your Unintended Message?

George TorokCommunication skills, Intended Message, Leadership communication, Podcasting, Public Speaking

So perhaps the first reason why your intended message doesn’t get across is maybe you simply failed to clarify your message before sending clarify your message before you start speaking. And that might mean pausing and thinking before you speak.

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Speak the truth to the CEO

Who Will Tell the CEO that the Presentation was Lousy?

George TorokLeadership communication, Public Speaking

Everyone makes mistakes when speaking. The problem arrives when the CEO or business leader makes consistent and persistent mistakes while speaking.

How might you as CEO or team leader make less speaking mistakes? Learn from the mistakes of others. Review this compilation of CEO and leadership presentation mistakes that you can avoid.  Study this post and learn from the mistakes of others so you don’t repeat them. Does that make sense?

One of the problems is that no one will tell the CEO about their lousy presentation skills. If you are the team leader or CEO and want honest feedback to improve your presentation skills, contact me for honest and constructive feedback.

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Words to avoid when speaking

Five Phrases to Avoid when Speaking

George TorokCommunication skills, Insights, Leadership communication, Public Speaking

If you are a leader or hope to be a leader in your company, organization or community – your words matter. It matters what you say and were wise enough not to say.

Are you paying attention to your words and implications? Guess what? Your audience pays attention and draws inferences and conclusions from your words. Here are five phrases that are counterproductive to your message because they can confuse or distance your listeners. People might not consciously notice these flaws, but these phrases can cause unconscious dissonance in your message.

Mind your words because they matter. Be precise and prudent with your choice of words. Remove words that are wasted, distracting or annoying.

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Worst presentation ever manure

Worst Presentation Ever: Silly Phrases pt 3

George TorokCommunication skills, Insights, Leadership communication, Presentation Tips

What can you learn from the worst presentation? There is no Perfect Presentation. The goal is to deliver an effective presentation. An effective presentation is one that informs and moves the audience. As a presenter you can learn from the techniques of effective presenters. What did they do that worked well and you might be able to use in your presentations?

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Worst presentation ever from Harvard professor

Worst Presentation Ever: Part Two: Clear?

George TorokCommunication skills, Insights, Leadership communication, Presentation Tips, Public Speaking

We Can’t Hear You. The next flaw was that we didn’t hear or understand many of his words. Why? He mumbled often. Mumbling is a sign of incomplete thoughts and the lack of editing your words for a clear message.

His voice often trailed off at the end of his sentences. That’s a common mistake made when a speaker is thinking about their next thought instead of finishing the current thought. He wore a lapel microphone and often turned his face away from the mic which meant that his voice faded. That’s a mistake made by novice speakers. He didn’t know how to use a microphone.

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Worst presentation ever Ram Charan

Worst Presentation Ever: Harvard Professor

George TorokCommunication skills, Insights, Leadership communication, Presentation Tips

Imagine the worst presentation ever. Now, read this post to compare. Read on to discover what not to do during your presentation. Learn from the mistakes of this Harvard professor.
He had impressive credentials. He was Harvard educated and a Harvard educator. He’d authored at least 15 books. He was endorsed by Jack Welch and had spoken to business executives around the world. Wow! Sounds impressive! But… he was a lousy speaker. Calling him “lousy” is being kind and polite to him but not to his audience. He certainly wasn’t kind and polite to the audience.

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