Five Habits of Effective Public Speakers

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Five Habits of Effective Public Speakers

Imagine your success when you consistently deliver more effective presentations.  You can do that when you develop the habits of effective public speakers. Success in any pursuit is the result of establishing smarter habits. Study and adopt these five habits of effective public speaking.

Habits of effective public speakers

Habits of Effective Public Speakers

Habit 1: Clear Purpose

Start your presentation with the end in mind. The only reason to speak is to move people. Prepare by pondering this question. What do you want people to think, feel or do after you speak? Keep that purpose top of mind while you prepare and deliver your presentation. Start on purpose and deliver on purpose.


Habit 2: Prepare

Don’t wing your presentation or hope to think on your feet. That’s a formula for disaster. Instead consider the mind set of your audience. Design your presentation. Rehearse it. Arrive early to check out the room. Be prepared to cut it short or deal with interruptions. Rehearse how you might handle difficult questions or disruptions. Be prepared!


Habit 3: Open & Close

There are three parts of your presentation: the opening, the body and the close. They are not equal in time, but each is important. Many speakers make the mistake of only focusing on the body. The opening of your presentation needs to grab the attention of your audience, establish rapport and set the direction. The close includes the last words you say and hence might be the strongest point they remember. Ensure that it reinforces your intended message and the desired action.


Habit 4: Pause

Nervous and novice speakers are afraid of silence. Yet, silence is your friend. You don’t persuade anyone by speaking constantly, rapidly and louder. You persuade them by saying something poignant, then pausing while they absorb and consider your words. The more often and longer that you pause, the more confident you will appear and the more comfortable they will feel with your ideas.


Habit 5 Conversation

Your presentation should not feel like a pitch or a lecture. If you come across that way, people might tune you out and resent you. How can you make your presentation feel more like a conversation? Review the aspects that you enjoy in a friendly conversation. That might include – telling stories, pausing and making friendly eye contact. Here’s a technique to enhance the conversation – ask questions of the group and listen without judging. You can punctuate your presentation with rhetorical questions to repeatedly engage their minds.


We are creatures of habit. Nurture these public speaking habits to become a more effective presenter.

Habits of Effective Public Speakesrs

Five Habits of Effective Public Speakers

Poor presentation creates stress, wastes time and loses money. George Torok, President of Superior Presentations, helps presenters deliver the intended message for greater success. You can arrange for individual coaching or team training – online or onsite.

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