Manage and Leverage Your Confidence

George TorokCommunication skills, Presentation Tips, Public Speaking


Superior Presentation Tips 01: Manage and Leverage Your Confidence

Did you know that confidence is the currency of success, yet it can be the most difficult coin to obtain?

Like money, the more you have the more you get. Yet, unlike money, you can’t borrow, trade or steal it.

If you experience speech anxiety or the fear of public speaking – you are normal. It is considered the most common fear. From my experience as a presentation coach, I’ve been surprised to discover that many of my clients experience that fear or anxiety.

That includes people who’ve been successful in their career or business. They’ve demonstrated success yet they still feel nervous about public speaking.

Why is that?

One theory suggests that when we speak before others – we feel we are being judged and we believe that they can read our mind – that they can see us metaphorically naked.

The reality is that the audience can’t read our mind. They can’t see within our mind cage. That’s why we need to express our message clearly in words that they understand.

Consider this question:

Is it more important to feel confident or to look confident?

Think about that…

You probably want both – to feel confident and to look confident.

It’s more important to look confident.

Why? Because that’s the audience perspective. If they believe you look and sound confident, they are more likely to listen to and believe your message.

The key point here is that is not about you. It’s about your audience. What did they see, hear, believe and feel?

That means that during your presentation you might experience those moments of anxiety – but the audience doesn’t need to know.

Confidence starts by becoming comfortable with being uncomfortable.

The audience doesn’t need to know about your inner doubts or anxiety. Put on a happy face for them.

Believe in the value of your message. That’s why you’re speaking. That’s why they listen.

It’s more important that the audience believes you’re confident than you to feel confident all the time. The momentary lapses are normal and for your information only.


PS: I experience those occasional moments of anxiety and don’t let it show.


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Look and feel more confident when public speaking