The Perfect Podcast Guest Pitch

George TorokInsights, Intended Message, Podcasting, Sales presentation Leave a Comment


How to score the best first impression with your initial message to the podcast host.

When you reach out to a podcast host with your first message, you are creating your first impression. What can you do to make the best first impression? If you don’t care about your first impression, why would the podcast host care about inviting you on their show?

This is a sales presentation. Y0u are selling yourself to the podcast host. Why should they buy you?

If you believe that you are doing the podcast host a favor by asking to be a guest on their show —- guess again. Yes, there are many inexperienced podcast hosts who are desperate for guests. Then there are podcast hosts who are selective both before the interview and after. I’ve rejected many prospective guests because they were a bad fit or simply presented a lazy proposal. I’ve also not published several interviews that I wasn’t pleased with.

I’m looking for a quality conversation plus promotional support from the guest. Learn from this guest who delivered the Perfect Podcast Pitch.

When you read this message from Alex, notice the words and phrasing. Be aware of what he is doing with these words and notice why that might appeal to a podcast host. Imagine the extra effort that went into preparing for this first message and how that guarantied his acceptance as a guest on my podcast.

Hi George, I’ve been listening to your podcast and really enjoying it. You crush it with the intro, the titles of the episodes, and the content overall. Seriously an incredible show many people must be benefiting from. Keep it up! (Graham Brown is a friend, so it was cool to hear him on your show!)

I’d love to appear on the show as a guest to help add value to the listeners. One thing that may be valuable would be to talk about the power of podcast guesting and what it can do for one’s personal development and ability to tell their own story while adding value to others at the same time. No pressure of course, I only want to be a guest if I can add value, it’s all about helping the listeners. (Value first!)

If you do decide it’s a good fit, I’d love to link to the episode from my website and share about it on all of my social media channels.

For credibility’s sake, I’ve been a guest on about 200 shows and have spoken at most of the major podcasting conferences on the topic.

Thanks in advance for the consideration!

P.S. I just left you guys a 5-star review on Apple:

Can you see what Alex did well in this message?

Let’s analyze this message, piece by piece so you can learn from this effort.

Hi George, I’ve been listening to your podcast and really enjoying it. You crush it with the intro, the titles of the episodes, and the content overall. Seriously an incredible show many people must be benefiting from. Keep it up! (Graham Brown is a friend, so it was cool to hear him on your show!)

He started by using my name. It might surprise you how many people don’t even address me by my name.

Then he points out that he’s been listening to my podcast and enjoying it. A good start, and naturally I wonder – How do I know if that is true?

He caught my attention by mentioning the intro – because my intro is unique. (Go and listen to see how my guest intro differs from most.)

Then he mentions the name of a previous guest which indicates that at least he scrolled through the list of shows.

This was a positive start to his first impression.

I’d love to appear on the show as a guest to help add value to the listeners. One thing that may be valuable would be to talk about the power of podcast guesting and what it can do for one’s personal development and ability to tell their own story while adding value to others at the same time. No pressure of course, I only want to be a guest if I can add value, it’s all about helping the listeners. (Value first!)

Now, his pitch – request and offer. He suggested the topic for his interview and pointed out that it was for the benefit of my listeners. He then expressed humility by suggesting that it was important to add value to the my listeners and not about him. (Too many prospective guest make their message all about themselves.)

If you do decide it’s a good fit, I’d love to link to the episode from my website and share about it on all of my social media channels.

Bingo! As a podcast host, this is the most important and most convincing part of his message. He pointed out that he will promote my show.

What do you believe a podcast host wants? More listeners! If you want to be a guest – what will you do to promote my podcast? If you miss this point, you’ve lost me.

For credibility’s sake, I’ve been a guest on about 200 shows and have spoken at most of the major podcasting conferences on the topic.

Four paragraphs in, he address credibility because now I’m willing to listen to your credibility. First you need to connect with me and my interests before I care about your credibility.

Yet, too many people first pitch their credibility and even ignore my interests as a host.

Thanks in advance for the consideration!

This is a pleasant gesture – thanking me for consideration.

P.S. I just left you guys a 5-star review on Apple:

This is the home run! This is what I want. A five-star review on Apple Podcasts. If you want to get my attention, start with this.

Review my podcast on Apple


The Perfect Podcast Pitch

Perfect podcast guest ptich


How to be an outstanding podcast guest.

Listen to this conversation with Alex Sanfilippo on Your Intended Message podcast 




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