Presentation Tips from Executive Speech Coach – Videos

George TorokGeorge Torok, Insights, Presentation Tips, Public Speaking


Presentation tips from George Torok, The Speech Coach for Executives.

Enjoy these tips, presented in the following 6 videos, to improve your presentation skills. Five of these videos are under 90 seconds. Add your comments and questions below.


What Makes a Successful Presentation?

Don’t try to deliver a perfect presentation. Instead prepare to deliver a successful presentation. That starts by asking the right questions about the purpose of your presentation.


Three Objectives to have a Successful Presentation

What are the three objectives that enable you to deliver a successful presentation? Listen to this video to learn more.


Three Important Parts to your Presentation: Open, Body, Close

Are you clear about the three parts to your presentation? Do you understand the purpose and importance of your opening and your close?


How to Rehearse Your Presentation

If you want to successful at anything, you must rehearse. That’s true with presentations. You must rehearse. What’s the best way to do that?


3 Tips to Overcome the Fear of Public Speaking

It’s normal to experience anxiety or even fear of public speaking. What can you do to mitigate that anxiety or overcome that fear of public speaking?


How to Keep the Attention of your Audience during Your Presentation

You want to keep the attention of your audience during your presentation. How can you do that? Or more importantly what might you do instead?


Understand these presentation tips. Learn and practise the techniques to become comfortable and transform them into your presentation habits. Watch these videos several times – especially before your next presentation to remind you of the techniques and approach.

Do you want to learn more and get better – arrange for George Torok to coach you and your key presenters to deliver Superior Presentations.

Enjoy these vides for the tips and ideas that they offer you to improve the success of your presentations.

Presentation tips from George Torok, The Speech Coach for Executives.

Get your weekly presentation tips at

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