Presentation Skills Videos: Interviews with George Torok, Guest Expert

George TorokCommunication skills, George Torok, Insights, Intended Message, Public Speaking


George Torok is often interviewed as a guest expert on presentation and communication skills on podcasts, radio and TV.

Enjoy these video interviews with George Torok, presentations skills expert. You’ll hear practical presentation tips. You’ll discover more about George’s style of speaking and training.

If you’re looking for an exciting guest for your podcast, radio or TV show – you’ll find George Torok a fun, energetic and provocative guest expert.


In this five minute video interview, George is interviewed by the host of Small Talk, Javed Kahn.

On a mission to help presenters deliver their intended message for greater success.


The first interview led to another. Enjoy this second interview by Javed Khan on Small Talk.

The conversation continues as we explore how to engage your audience during your presentation.


Guest of Randall Craig, host of Professional Speaking in this 18 minute clip from the TV interview.

The three biggest mistakes that executives make when speaking in public.



Superior Presentations: George Torok Interview on Biz Radio Canada by host, David Wojcik.

Enjoy this 30 minute interview packed with presentation tips, humour and energy.

How to look and feel more confident. Common mistakes to avoid in your presentations. Practical tips to improve your presentations.



Guest expert on presentation and communications skills – George Torok – available for interviews on podcasts, radio and TV shows.

Guest expert for interview showGeorge Torok is an experienced guest expert for main stream media and social media interviews. He hosted his own radio show for 19 years.

He is a informative, engaging and provocative guest expert for your show.

To arrange an interview with George Torok – call 905-335-1997 in Canada – or email


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